George and Margaret Hemphill Woods

Trail Information
Trail Map: click here for map You will need Adobe Acrobat to view or print our maps.
Directions: From the intersection of Route 198 and Route 6 in Chaplin, go 4.3 miles east on Route 6. Turn right onto Route 97 south. The next turns come quickly: go 0.1 mile then take a left onto Cemetery Road. Go 0.3 miles and take a slight right onto South Bigelow Road. Go 0.1 mile then take a left onto Sand Hill Road. Go 1.2 miles and then continue straight onto Old Canterbury Road. Follow Old Canterbury Road about 0.25 miles. Look for Trust signs on your left and park in the pull-off area on the left.
About the Property
The Hemphill Preserve rests on both sides of Old Canterbury Road in Hampton. Located in the Burnham Brook drainage basin, the Preserve consists of two parcels that once formed an 18th century farmstead. The original homestead still stands near the preserve, facing the stone ruins of an outbuilding. The center of the Preserve is dominated by wetland soils.
In the 9.25-acre west parcel, stonewalls are lined by large oaks and Shagbark Hickories with young oaks and hickories covering the interior, and the western edge boasts a dense understory of Burning Bush. The shrubby undergrowth and wetlands provide a good shelter for wildlife and a nice migrant trap for birds.
In the 34.5-acre east parcel, wetland areas are dense with shrubbery home to the Ovenbird and Rose-breasted Grosbeak. This parcel’s outer edges are covered with an oak and hickory forest, while the wetter inner areas contain Yellow Birch and Red Maple. The northeastern part of this parcel is rockier with a number of glacial erratics. There is blazed hiking trail on the east parcel, about 1.25 miles in length. Please stay on the trail to prevent trespass on neighbors’ properties.
Location: Hampton, Connecticut. Old Canterbury Road
Donors: Lowry, Clara, and Thomas Hemphill
Acreage: east parcel 34.5, west parcel, 9.25
Preserved in: 2012